Sunday, September 6, 2009

Life Updates That Explain a Lack of Updates

The good news is that I found a job selling clothing and gifts at the University of Wisconsin Book Store. The management is relaxed and accommodating, and the hours make sure that I'm out of work by 6:30 at the latest. Unfortunately, that means that I'm on my feet most of the day, and for a lazy and overweight individual such as myself, constant standing, bending, and running to and fro makes me nigh on catatonic after work.

So, I have not forgotten about the blog, but I have a lot less time to think about what to write, and then actually write it. Hopefully, this will change as I become acclimated to my new active lifestyle.

I'm currently re-reading The Gods Drink Whiskey at a fast pace. When I am done, I hope to write about my thoughts about the book.